Nutrition + Lifestyle

Nutrition + Lifestyle Support

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Holistic Care to Improve Your Well-Being

Are you ready to reclaim your well-being? At Houston Gastro Institute, you will have access to the most affordable, best-quality integrative medicine treatment. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

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What is Integrative Medicine?

Integrative Medicine is the future of medicine! It incorporates state-of-the-art medical research on how to truly treat and reverse disease. It focuses on finding and treating the underlying root causes of chronic illness, with optimal health as the end goal–not simply managing symptoms. For instance, if you are standing on five tacks, giving you a prescription for painkillers won’t solve the problem. Nor will removing one tack make you feel 20% better. Integrative Medicine seeks to identify and remove all five tacks, or root causes, so you can heal and reclaim your vitality.

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Is Integrative Medicine Right for You?


  • You are committed to making the lifestyle changes necessary to flourish and are ready to take charge of your own health.
  • You fully understand that neither I nor a drug, nutritional supplement, therapy, or modality will heal you; YOU HEAL YOU.
  • You understand this is a process, that change does not happen overnight, and that you must invest your time to get well.
  • You are willing to invest in yourself financially to make lasting improvements.
  • You’re willing to look at all aspects of your life and how they contribute to your overall well-being.
  • You visualize and dream of a vibrant life where symptoms or limitations are not holding you back from enjoying living a purposeful life you love.


  • You are searching for quick-fix solutions.
  • You look to other people to “fix” you and are not interested in getting educated on how you can take charge of your health.
  • You are too busy to spend time on yourself.
  • You’re not willing to examine other aspects of your life, including stress, emotions, or adverse events or trauma in relation to your overall well-being.
  • You are not willing to invest or make a commitment to yourself.
  • You don’t understand it takes an investment of commitment, time, and money to get educated and get well.

Understanding Integrative Medicine

Equally important is what IM is not; it is not “alternative” care. It is built on evidence-based medicine that embraces the use of a vast array of modalities that research has proven to work. IM is not emergency or acute care. If you’re having severe pain or a life-threatening experience, an emergency room is needed. Yet the need for both is absolute.

In summary, routine medical care treats symptoms, and your body needs help beyond just a prescription to address the root cause of the disease, remove it, and help you understand how to restore optimal health. IM specializes in bringing together the best of all evidence-based treatments to reverse chronic disease, restore optimal health, and prevent future dysfunction. Detailed personal history gathering and careful evaluation of your genetics, nutrition, lifestyle, behaviors, and environmental factors are the steps taken to fully investigate and identify your underlying root causes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to common integrative medicine questions below.

  • What are the benefits of integrative medicine?

    Integrative medicine has been shown to improve overall holistic health, rather than just target the symptoms of a disease. By addressing the underlying causes of your condition, you can find lasting relief and wellness.

  • What can I expect from my first appointment?

    Dr. Asamoah will go over your medical history and ask you about your goals. She will listen to your concerns and work with you to create a custom treatment plan.

  • Is functional medicine invasive?

    Functional medicine is a non-invasive medical treatment. If Dr. Asamoah feels any additional procedures are necessary, she will consult with you to determine your comfort levels.

  • Does integrative medicine treat acute illnesses?

    Integrative medicine is mainly used for the treatment of chronic illness. However, you can still benefit from integrative medicine even if you do not have a chronic illness. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

  • Does insurance cover integrative medicine?

    Whether or not your Insurance covers integrative medicine will depend on your policy. Be sure to contact your insurance company to discuss the particulars of your plan.

  • Does integrative medicine require labs?

    Some patients may require lab tests to accurately diagnose disorders. Dr. Asamoah will let you know if you need blood work.

  • What makes integrative medicine unique?

    Integrative medicine is unique in that it addresses the prevention of disease, as opposed to reactive treatment. It targets metabolism variations to diagnose health predispositions.

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